Improve Visibility When Finding Words or Phrases. Firefox, like all other browsers, lets you find specific words or phrases using the Ctrl+F (Cmd+F on Mac). While the feature in itself is pretty useful, Firefox has a nifty addition to the feature which can be enabled using the hidden settings in the browser.

How to Change Location on Tinder – The Only Reliable Way

There’s a lot of discussion online about how to fake your location on Tinder. There used to be several apps, for example, that could change your location. That way, you could see and swipe people anywhere you wanted (and they would see and swipe you too).

  • With 55 billion matches to date, Tinder® is the world’s most popular dating app, making it the place to meet new people.
  • Unblock the Tinder app to get to know eligible singles around you, right on your phone. Even if you're not out to find The One, Tinder is a great way to make friends outside of your social circle. Can't Seem to Access Tinder or Tinder Plus?

However, the old methods haven’t held up over time. That’s because the latest versions of Tinder make the old ways of location spoofing impossible.

Even if you were to download an old version of Tinder — even then! — you’re going to spend hours on Google trying to figure out why it isn’t working.

Why Tinder Passport Is the Only Answer

Using Tinder Passport (the “change your location” feature that comes bundled in Tinder Plus and Tinder Gold) is 1000x easier.

For most people, paying a few dollars will be well worth avoiding the headache of fumbling with old versions of Tinder, GPS spoofing apps, and the trillion ways they’re all going wrong.

And if that isn’t enough, when you change your location using Tinder Passport, you get that “new user” boost in profile views!

How Does It Work to Change Your Location on Tinder?

Once you’ve started using Tinder Passport, the only people swiping on you will be in your new location. (That is, no one “back home” will still be seeing you in their photo deck.)

It is possible at first that you might still be shown a few people from your previous location. But after a few swipes, you’ll only be seeing people in your new location.

And the Tinder Passport settings are pretty solid. It saves your location, so even if you sign out of the app, it will be just like you left it when you come back.

What Does Changing Your Location Look Like to Potential Matches?

At the original launch of Tinder Passport, there was an airplane icon and blue text which said “Swiping in ____.” This was a dead giveaway that someone was using a fake location.

After scrapping that, Tinder just showed distance (e.g. 1000km away). But that, too, was making it obvious when someone was using Tinder Passport.

Since then, Tinder decided to just remove this line of text entirely. So it’s possible to tell that someone is using Tinder Passport if there is no distance shown, but it’s a less conspicuous option than what Tinder used to display,

How to Get the MOST Out of Changing Your Location on Tinder

You want every ounce of effort (and money) you put into Tinder to pay off.

Optimizing your profile ensures that you get the most out of that initial boost in views when you switch locations. Don’t waste that opportunity with a crappy profile that no one wants to swipe on.

Instead, put some pics up at Photofeeler to find out how they’re coming across to women (or men). It will increase your match rate significantly.

Go to now and give it a try!

Tinder Super Powers

Google Chrome

iOS via Shortcuts

Android via Yandex

Let your computer work for you.

Typical tinder auto swipers will give you a bad ranking. Swiperino bypasses this by mimicking human like actions. You can also configure how often you'd like to swipe right.

Change your Tinder location to anywhere in the world for free. Planning a trip? Why not start auto swiping there now. This doesn't just let you auto swipe in any location, it also sets your geolocation to that area. So it'll say that you're only miles/kilometers away.

Have a go to first message? Automatically send it. Why manually type your first message when you can set it once and have it sent for each match.

Swiperino meet Bumble. Now you can use Swiperino to auto swipe with Bumble as well. Maximize your matches by auto liking on Bumble and Tinder.

How it Works 🤓

Swiperino tries to mimic actions that a human might make. It does a variety of things that other auto likers don't do. Including taking periodic breaks and even going to sleep if it swipes long enough. After all a person can only swipe for so many hours in a day. Plus, since we're automatically matching for you we might as well give you the option to automatically send messages. We also give you the ability to set how fast and how often you'd like to swipe right/left. And while we're at it, we thought we'd also give the option to set up routines for when you'd like to automatically start swiping.

Tinder firefox unblur

Steps to set up 🧐

Takes less than a minute

  • 2
    Sign up on Swiperino & get your API Key

Check our How To Use guide if you get stuck anywhere.

Testimonials 👌

Tinder fire starter
Runs great! I've gotten so many matches with this extension. Would definitely recommend this to anyone who's thinking about giving it a try. It's easy to set up and it's free to use.

Tinder Firefighter

Was pretty suspicious at first since most of it's features are free. But I installed the extension, signed up on their site and was automatically swiping in no time. Would be nice if they increased the daily likes
Tinder firefox unblur
Works great! Can't believe it's free

Tinder Unblur Firefox

Pretty nice extension, just run it before I go to bed

Tinder Firefox Location

<3 I love it

Unblur Tinder Firefox 2020

Tinder fire stick

Tinder Fire Starter

No really, you're welcome to use the free version for as long as you want. Tell your friends. 🥰