This site is billed by MEETLOCALBIKERS. Meet Local Bikers is part of the dating network, which includes many other general and biker dating sites. As a member of Meet Local Bikers, your profile will automatically be shown on related biker dating sites or to related users in the network at no additional charge.

  1. With our local search facility, it's never been easier to get together with other single bikers who live close to home who are also looking to meet someone special and to find love. Whether you want something serious, or whether you'd like just to have some fun and flirty local dates, SteamyLocals is the dating site for you.
  2. Meet Local Biker #1 Dating site for motorcycle riders Motorcycles were a perfect outlet for all those people who live to ride. No one don't like to ride the open road with the wind in their faces, and then left them invigorated and inspired.
Meet local bikers dating site online is built to collect plenty of bikers' photos and profiles in your area for you to hook up with them. As a biker single, you can always see plenty of biker women or men nearby are riding solo on the road, but it's not so easy to say hello when you meet during riding on your way. You may think you will miss a biker lover again when she or he pass close by you without a chance for chat. This site will tell you a great method to meet local biker girls or guys and even those next door.

You may not know that 84% single motorcycle riders have joined the top three biker dating sites. The statistics is from a report of the leading motorcycle dating site named which is authority enough for you to believe that there is another great way to meet again with the people you ever saw on your moving bike. After being a member of those dating sites online for bikers only, you might be agreeably surprised to find a familiar face in your town.

Biker dating website is not only a matchmaking service for you to find bikers nearby for romance, relationship and even marriage, but also a social network for all male and female motorcycle riders to meet up for discussing motorcycle culture and biker lifestyle. You can exchange riding experiences with all kinds of bikers with all types of motorcycles such as Harley, Ducati, BMW, Suzuki, Appillia, Honda, Triumph, and with those from US, UK, Canada and Australia.

By the way, you can find the top 5 motorcycle dating sites on the biker dating review site There are about 100+ motorcycle dating sites claiming to be the first and biggest dating service online for bikers, but you will ways time and money if you believe in what they show on the home page. Finding the top 3 sites with search engines is not a wise way since you will see many clone sites, so our suggestion for you is dating review sites which are composed by website editors and ranked by real motorcycle users.

100% FREE to Join us to Meet Plenty of Biker Girls and Guys in Your City!

monicahd, Sacramento, CA

Looking for a new biker romance. I love camping and group riding. Let's ride if you think I'm your girl. I'm not a bike chick, so please do not email me for casual chat or relationship. Let's ride with your friends first...

mikeride, Tallahassee, FL

Just want to date a biker lady in Florida where we can ride out for the first date within two hours of riding. I'm not a outlaw gang so that you can trust me as serious rider. It's better if you own your motorcycle.

Meet Local Bikers Dating Site Near Me

sportfgal, Albany, NY

Very out going & love to ride outdoors with motorcycle partners. Hook me up if you are in New York city. I do't date people outside my city. You can upload a dating app to get instant message from me during riding ...

racehon, Montgomery, AL

Invite me to ride as long as you are in Alabama, too. I can join any biker event with you for partnership and even dating for romance. I just want to date a biker gal for my backseat is not ready to carry any body...

blueflyer, Austin, TX


Meet Local Bikers Free

I'm living in Texas and want to meet local male bikers for friendship first. I can ride as your passenger if you can take me on your backseat to a local event or rally and introduce me to your group, I'a glad to join your circle.

maxroad, Indianapolis, IN

I'm honest and love the wind in my face when it is season to ride out. There a plenty of beautiful roads in Indiana, we can ride first for buddy ship. I need a riding girlfriend while you are looking for a riding boyfriend.

Biker Planet Has Been Connecting Bikers For Over A Decade

Whether you are looking for dates, love, or just a riding partner, Biker Planet is the community that you have been searching for.

Are you tired of weeding through thousands of profiles on dating sites, hoping to catch a glimpse of the kind of biker you are looking to meet? We feel your pain. We created Biker Planet specifically for bikers and other motorcycle enthusiasts. So stop wasting your time searching - meet your biker match today and you'll be on the road in no time! Still unsure? Just ask Mike and Barbie, who met on Biker Planet and were married in February, 2016 in Las Vegas!