An effective way to earn money via dating apps is by integrating a service that allows users to choose attractive gifts for their date and send them directly. Hence, you can generate some revenue by selling gift items through the dating app. For this, you can open an online gift shop of your own and provide its link on the dating app. Tech buy-back site Decluttr has crunched the numbers, looking at just how much money apps like Tinder, Bumble and Match are making every minute. Unsurprisingly, Tinder tops the charts, making a whopping $1,469 per minute, or $88,143 per hour. This success can be attributed to Tinder’s recent introduction of paid subscription options.

March 31st, 2020 At 6:55 am

After developing a dating app, you have a clear pathway for marketing and must learn how dating apps make money in different ways.

First, you need to take care of important aspects of building a dating app such as adding better features and functionality, because that will be the heart and it will be going to leave a positive impact on the environment and society.

In order to create pixel-perfect feature-rich dating apps, you should connect with the best dating app development company.

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Let’s get started with our discussion on what are the different ways to generate revenue with dating apps.

1. Subscription Model

The subscription-based business model is the best approach and must be at the top of the list of revenue generation models. How does Tinder make money? Yes, they are using a subscription-based business model.

In simple words, you need to classify app in such a way that if your users are paying money, then they should get benefited by some values like getting more profile views, more filtering options, chat instantly, and display their profile on top of the search result. In this business model, our registered users who wish to opt for premium services, they can pay a subscription for monthly, quarterly, or annually and use our premium services in the dating app.

2. Advertisement

As we all know, dating apps have a wide range of users who are spending a lot of time in the app hence definitely advertisement in the dating app would be a highly profitable option. As many business industries are attracting their audience by displaying their product or services which are related to dating apps like food, florist, gifts, beverages. So, if you have a regional-specific dating app then you can directly contact a local businessman and ask them to advertise their business on your app.

3. In-App Purchase

In the world of dating app users, there are some rich audiences who are willing to pay for special or simple one emojis, GIFs, and other kinds of things; so don’t stop them. Hence, integrate in-app purchases for your end-users & let them spend more, in this way you can earn money from your dating app In-App purchase option. Dating app like Tinder is also offering In-App Purchase to their customers, recently they came up with a new feature “Get boost to increase your matches”.

4. Adsense

AdSense advertising is one the best ways to generate money with the dating app, you just need to follow some guidelines and rules to display AdSense on your dating app. One major area you need to take is, “Adult Content” should not be there in your service menu.

5. Sending Gifts

If you’re the owner of a dating app then you can keep an option for online gifting by which you can make money. You just need to showcase attractive gift items, images & videos for your users, so they can check products within the application, and buy for their partner or you can provide your website link and redirect users.

6. Sponsored Posts Promotion

It’s really a nice approach to be an awesome, profitable, and best way to gain the popularity of your dating app. You can let other businesses post their content in your dating app who are selling products or services correlated to dating apps. In this way, you’re not just offering superior service to end customers but also you’re making money from those businesses who are willing to post sponsored content in your dating app.

7. Provide one to one coaching and advice

As we know, many people in the world are shy and won’t be able to communicate with the opposite sex person and even they have a lack of confidence to share their feelings. In order to help those kinds of personalities, you can hire service providers who can help them to gain confidence, improve their body language, appearance, and guide them on how to impress your soulmate in your first meeting. Every service provider will showcase their own pricing and you can charge commissions to them on each successful transaction.

Let’s understand the Dating app development guide like the cost of making a dating app, ways of revenue generation and required team structure with Infographic:


As you’ve learned various ways of making money with the dating app, moving further you need to identify your targeted audience, region, and out of its best way to market them. If you’re facing any challenge to the market then or want to build a new dating app? please do connect with us; we would be happy to provide you with the best solution for your business.

You might also want to see one of our unique developed dating app case study – Clubluk.


How Much does it Cost to Develop a Dating App?

The cost of dating app development for one platform (Android/iOS) will cost you a minimum of 16,000 USD, although it totally depends on your specific requirement.

How to Launch a Dating App?

You need to come up with something new to your future users, with the proper business models as well as find the unique niche into this dating business industry.

How to Create a Dating App?

Building the perfect dating app is not so difficult anymore. First of all, you need to define feature and functionality of your proposed dating app you wish to go for and then after you can craft design layout for the dating app and rest of the part will be taken care by development teams like development & publishing the app on a play store and further technical support.

How Long does it Take to Build a Dating App?

The least minimum timeline requires to develop a dating app would be 400 hours for one platform although we can come up with a precise timeline based upon your specific requirement.

Hi! there, Firstly thanks for choosing the post & without wasting a minute let’s go.

What is a Dating App & How it works?

A Dating App can be referred to as a platform on which people of different age groups cross each other’s mobile screen according to their age preferences, gender choices, and area of common interests.

The App usually consists of a huge user base of single men and women looking for partners near them online but anyone can join it from 18 years of age to 65 years of age depending on the application you are using.

So these applications help users to interact with other people of similar interests, let them explore and experience a different kind of interesting relationships.

How to make money with dating app

These applications use the GPS technology pre-installed in every mobile phone to show the users people near them whom they have once crossed paths with or similarities in the areas of work or locations.

These applications also work in the area of demographics you search more often.

Let us suppose that a single man is looking for a woman in his area for only friendly interactions and nothing serious relations then according to his search preferences he will be able to see women who want the same kind of relationship with men if they both like each other then they can just swipe right on their smartphone screen and the other person will be able to see that, and if she likes you back then it’s a match and you can make it to a conversation or a meeting depending on the choices of both the persons involved.

How do Dating Apps make money?

  • Subscriptions: Whenever a user joins any dating app he is allowed to use the app for a certain period of time for free.

When the trial period of his access gets over then he is asked for a fee to continue using the app. It totally depends on the user whether he will continue using the application and buy the subscription or leave this application and switch to another dating app as there are plenty of dating apps available on the play store.

  • Advertisements: Third-party applications and companies pay a certain amount to the dating apps to display their ads on the users’ screen so that the user intentionally or un-intentionally right swipes the ad and gets redirected to the website of the ad or the link of the app advertised.

The no. of advertisements in a month or the income from the advertisements on the app depends on the popularity of the app.

  • In-app purchases: When a user gets a match, he is given a chat window to start a conversation with the other user.
Dating App That You Can Earn Money

In this chat he can only write the text and texts are not that appealing, to make the conversation more deep and interesting use of different emojis, graphics are required. So to make it happen the user purchases a pack of emojis or smileys, graphics to make his/her conversation more interesting. The cost of the pack of emojis depends totally on the app.

  • Premium Plans: To get the most out of the dating app and online dating experiences, there are premium plans available for the users in which they get certain benefits like more Right swipes for the day, extended super like options, to highlight your profile among the other users, to make your profile a top profile so that the no. of matches increase. So the users who are not satisfied with their current match index can buy the premium plans depending on the duration of their plan and their budget.

Core Earning Ideas of OpenTable & Lyft Mobile Applications:

From restaurants with the Connect system, OpenTable receives a fee for each diner who completes his reservation. It receives $2.50 per diner who reserves through OpenTable’s site and $0.25 per diner for reservations made through the restaurant’s site using OpenTable software / mobile application.

Lyft generates revenues every time a user gets a ride via its smartphone app. While most of the revenues go to the driver, the company usually generates 20% in net revenues per ride

How you can earn through Dating Apps?

To earn from a well-established market is a clever thing to do but it can give you extreme profits if you are able to do so.

Following are certain points which you should consider to earn huge profits from the mobile dating app marketplace:-

  1. Find the loopholes in the existing top Dating Apps :

The top Dating apps like Tinder charges a certain amount from the users when they cross a certain level while using the app and to make it happen the user either pays for it or leave the app.

What you can do?

Dating app that you can earn money

Make the application fee for users or mark the cost so low that the people shift themselves from that app to yours.

  1. Include Features that are not available for free users :

Features like unlimited likes are not there on many platforms, in fact, one has to pay on some apps to enroll for unlimited likes feature. By including this feature it will make the user think of switching to your app as all the dating apps use the same GPS technology to show you the searches.

Super likes are limited to one super like per day, you can make it five per day and for premium users, you can make it then this will increase the probability of selection of your app.

Sometimes in hurry, you left-swipe an appealing person and in regret, you have to pay for that reverse swipe, what if it would be free and you don’t have to pay for a little mistake. Take advantage of it.

  1. Create an Easy To use the platform :

Create a platform that anyone can use easily without wasting much of their time in understanding the chronology of the app.

Basic Setup for a Dating App

To earn profits from the Dating App marketplace you first need to develop an App that will be competing for you in the market.

The development and management of the app require a budget, for example, to develop an app for an IOS you need to spend around 50k $ and the relatively lesser amount would be required to develop an application for android users.

Dating App That You Can Earn Money

Profit Margins For You

Dating App That You Can Earn Money Online

With an increasing trend of Online Dating and the demand for a dating app that suits the audience and the users, if someone is able to penetrate the market with the above strategies then he will be making a huge amount of money per year.

For example, Tinder is the top charted dating app as we all know, it earns as much as 1469$ per minute and approximately 89000$ per hour form its application.

You can imagine the amount of profit you can earn by just eliminating the restrictions that are there in the other dating apps and advertising your app digitally and keeping up the good work and response from the user database.

So once again thanks for reading till the end & let me know your views into the comment box.

Dating Sites To Make Money

If you have any queries regarding the mobile app then you feel free to contact us we will provide you 100% free consultation.

Do Dating Sites Make Money

Have a great day ahead!!

Dating App That You Can Earn Money At Home

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